Do you feel the viking spirits calling you ?

Do you want to kiss the seven seas along on your drakkar ?

If so, join me on The Odin Project.

A few months ago, I decided to learn programming. I was fixing an old valve radio, and I thought I could add an embedded system in it to catch internet stations. I did some research, and I believed I should write the program myself instead of copying an existing one on internet. This was certainly a big step.

This project made me enter the programming world. And as I like traveling, I wanted to see other areas. Interested by web development, I had a look a some websites that teach web languages. And I chose The Odin Project.

The Odin Project is an open source website dedicated to providing free online training, to anyone interested by web development.

The curriculum is the following one:

What I like in the Odin Project, is that it actually sends you to the best websites to learn what you need to learn. It’s a kind of guided directory with some project breaks.

For instance, in the “Web development 101” chapter, that is simply a chapter where you learn the basics of all the languages you will learn later, there is a part on Javascript. And here is the assignment:

And that’s all. You will learn deeper Javascript in another chapter.

That really works with me. The Odin Project shows me where to go, and I get to know some other really cool websites, like Codecademy or Project Euler.

Right now, I’m still in the “web development 101 chapter”. I just finished the front-end section and I’m gonna start the Ruby part. I don’t know how long this project will take, but I feel very excited and motivated, so let’s keep it up !