A Facebook clone done in Rails - Fakebook
Getting back into Rails, with a challenging project I finally completed. Basically a Facebook clone, with Devise for the authentication and CarrierWave to upload pictures.
This is also the final project of the Rails curriculum in The Odin Project.
My dreams to be friend with Chuck Norris and Jean-Claude Vandamne finally come true.
Main repo: Github - See it live: Fakebook
Explore the app by logging in with one of the prepopulated accounts, or start from scratch with a blank guest account.
Prepopulated account logins:
email: jeanclaude@vandamne.com
password: kickboxer
email: chuck@norris.com
password: deltaforce
- Users must sign in to see anything except the sign in page.
- Users can send friend requests to other users.
- A user must accept the friend request to become friends.
- The friend request shows up in the notifications section of a user’s navbar.
- Users can create posts.
- Users can comment on posts.
- Users can like posts and comments.
- Posts are displayed in a timeline style, with all recent posts from the current user and his friends.
- Users can upload a profile picture and a cover picture.
Technical Notes
- Postgresql database seeded with Faker gem.
- User sign-in uses the Devise gem.
- Posts, comments, and likes processed through AJAX request.
- Utilizes flash notices from native Rails and AJAX.
- Image attachments with CarrierWave gem, hosted on Amazon S3.
- Responsive layout
- SASS styling with Bootstrap components.
About page on smartphone
Search page on smartphone