Gilbert Odyssey is an interactive visualisation of the 5 Monuments of cycling

Named after Philippe Gilbert, whose dedication for winning all Monuments is outstanding.
One last Monument win with Milan-Sanremo would make him join the elite club of Rik Van Looy, Eddy Merckx and Roger de Vlaeminck.

This is my first web app done with React/Node.js.

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After a couple of years busy working on low-level programming (5G base station antenna), I wanted to get back into web development. I have always been interested by maps for data visualisation. In France, we’ve got a popular tv show called “Le dessous des cartes” which explains geopolitics only by showing map visualisation. I guess I always wanted to do something similar. Cycling being one of my favorite sports, I decided I could do a map visualisation in that domain.

The first question was to find which data to visualise. I thought I could do something about summarising cyclists victories in all popular classics and Grand Tours. Unfortunately I looked for free/open databases, but couldn’t find any. I would have to create my own database. So I decided to narrow my expectations and focus on the 5 biggest classics races: the 5 Monuments.


home-view On the Home view, you can see the focus on the map. It shows the 5 Monument races, and asks the user to choose a race or search for a cyclist. You can also use the map and click on a race.

race-view There are 2 main views, the Race view and the Cyclist view. The Race view zooms on the race and the interface shows data about the overall best winners, the full history and the elevation profile. From then you can click towards another race with the arrows, or click on a cyclist name.

cyclist-view The Cyclist view shows a picture of the cyclist, its Monument wins and a summary of its wins with icons you can click on, that bring different color for better visualisation. From then you can click on a race name or search for another cyclist through the search box.

There is a About icon at the bottom that brings a pop-up for information about the app, and a link the github repo. There is also a FullScreen icon, that allows to see the map in full screen and interract with it.

Development Stack

This project was also a chance for me to learn new technologies. My main focus was on React, which I really liked. Not all the technologies I used were necessary for a project of this size, the true reason being about practising them.

Focus on React

The main part of the work being done on this web app was on the front end, as there is no interaction with the database after startup.
I used React class components and discovered lifecycle methods. The map being the main component, I wanted it to always be full screen. I then added the user interface above it. So I have 2 components using full screen and that need to interract between themself.

That design choice leaded me to 2 problems


I really enjoyed this project and specially React. I understand now why it became so popular. I already have some plans for using it in another project. This time I would use React hooks as I understand its benefits and I wouldn’t face some of the problems I met here. I also want to use TypeScript, open data and more stuff going on the back end/database.

Smartphone Screenshots

Home page

Race view

Cyclist view